Articles Pages

Articles Pages

Creating an Article: 

  1. Go to Online Store in Shopify
  2. Access Blog posts
  3. Click Add blog post

After completing the creation, fill in the following information:

  1. Title: Enter a descriptive title for your blog post (e.g., "Blog about your latest products or deals").
  2. (Content): Use the rich text editor to create the main content of your blog post. You can add text, images, videos, and more.
  3. Excerpt: Add a brief summary of your blog post. This excerpt often appears on your homepage or blog listing page, enticing visitors to read the full post.
  4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engine listing: Add a title and description to see how this blog post might appear in search engine listings. Optimizing this section can improve your blog post's visibility in search results.
  5. Organization:
    1. Author: Select the name of the author and content creator from the dropdown menu.
    2. Blog: Choose the specific blog to which this post will belong.
    3. Tag: Add relevant tags to your blog post, separated by commas (e.g., "new arrivals," "sale," "fashion"). Tags help organize your blog content and improve searchability.
      1. You can choose an available list or create a new list by Create a new blog (it will be displayed as tabs on the page).
      1. Enter a new name for this list in the Blog Title section which appears afterwards. 

Posts Configuration

To configure Posts, in the Theme Customization, you need to access Blog Posts → Default Blog post

The article is divided into two layouts. On the left side of the screen there is a slider and in the middle shows the blog post content. To configure the slider, you need to do the following:

  1. Blog post
    1. Show search form: Here, users can toggle the display of the search toolbar on the page.
  2. Table of content: This section allows you to prominently display the heading sections within the blog post. By clicking on a heading here, you can view the content of that heading without needing to scroll to each section in the post.
    1. Show table of content: Users can choose to toggle the display of this section on the page.
    2. Heading*: Set a name for the title.
*Note: For blog posts without headings in the content, this section will not be displayed on the page by default.
  1. Latest article: Display the latest articles.
    1. Show latest articles: Toggle the display of this section on the page.
    2. Blog: Choose which group of blogs with new posts to display on the page.
    3. Limit: Select the number of new posts to display.
    4. Read more label: Enter a name for the label.

  1. Subscribe: This section allows customers to enter their email to receive new notifications from the store.
    1. Show subscribe: Toggle the display of the form on the page.
    2. Heading: Enter a title for the form.
    3. Show social share: Toggle the display of social icons in the form.

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