I. Create the About Page
Go to Online Store in Shopify.
Access Pages.
Click Add Page and enter a title.
In Theme Template, select the about-us template.
II. Configure the About Page
Access Themes → Customize → Page → About.
Breadcrumb: Set up page link navigation.
Text Block: Users can align information to "default" or "center" and customize the block as follows:
Title: Enter the title and choose the display size under Heading Size.
Content: Enter detailed content.
Button: Enter button text, assign a link, and choose to display the link in a new window or the current window if unchecked.
Banner Grid
This section displays banner images and requires the following configuration:
Section Body:
Image Ratio: Customize the image ratio.
Column Number: Choose the number of columns for displaying banners on desktop, mobile, and tablet screens.
In this section, add an Item Banner:
Image: Choose an image and assign a link if applicable.
Banner Information: Information displayed within the banner.
Position: Select the position of the information within the banner.
Heading: Enter the title.
Short Description: Enter a brief description.
Button Label: Enter button text.