Azzel Theme - Blog Page Config

Azzel Theme - Blog Page Config

1. To create a Blog Page, you need to do as follows: 

1. Go to Online Store in Shopify

2. Access Blog posts

3. Click Add blog post

2. After completing the content for Blog, in Organization, fill in the following information:

  • Author: Name of the author and content creator.

  • Blog: This section allows you to create a list for your blog

    • You can choose an available list or create a new list by Create a new blog.

    • Enter a new name for this list in the Blog Title section which appears afterwards. 

3. To configure Blog Page, you need to access ThemesCustomize Blog Default Blog

  1. Breadcrumb banner: upload a background image for the banner
  2. Tick Show Date, Show Author, Show excerpt as needed
  3. Adjust the top and bottom distance in Section padding. There, you can adjust “Top padding” and “Bottom padding” dimensions.

4. Blog tab ( page ) 

This is a page type that will display blogs in tabs. Therefore, you need to create a page, set the page name to, say, "blog" and customize as follows:

  1. Breadcrumb banner: upload a background image for the banner
  2. Blog tab: Customize sections such as Header, Post configuration (number of columns displayed on desktop, mobile, tablet screens) and section layout, section optimize
  3. Create a new tab: In the Blog tab section - add blog - select the blog displayed in the tab (the tab name will be displayed according to the blog group name created by the user outside the store).

  1. In the blog tab, you can choose to display date, number of posts, author going to theme setting - section blog tab

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