Azzel Theme - Contact Page Config

Azzel Theme - Contact Page Config

  1. To create a Contact Page, you need to do as follows: 

1. Go to Online Store in Shopify

2. Access Pages

3. Click Add Page and enter a title 

4. In Theme template, select Contact template

  1. To configure Contact Page: 

Access Themes Customize →  Page Contact

  1. Breadcrumb banner: Upload a background image for the banner and customize the settings as follows:
    1. Section layout
      1. Color schema: choose background color if you do not choose image to display, and text color
      2. Click to select Section full width yes or no (if not select full width, you can customize section size to Section max width)
      3. Click to select Content full width yes or no (if not select full width, you can customize content size to Content max width)
      4. Customize padding distance, margin on desktop, mobile and tablet.
    2. Section optimize
      1. Section lazyload - lazy loading speed (a section will only load on the page when you scroll down to that section).

  1. Here you can choose Add sections to display information related to Store, for example:

  • Tapita - Google Map: Location of the store on the map, where you can enter the link in Google map iframe

To get this link, you need to access Google Map, enter the address in the search bar, select Share or embed map, copy the link, then paste it in Google map iframe.

In this section, we customize the configuration according to the following items:

  1. Section header
    1. Enter Heading, select Heading display size
    2. Enter information for Sub-heading (if any) and detailed content in Description
    3. Customize information display position in Aligment
  2. Section body: assign link to address found on map

  • You can click Add block to add contact information such as Email, Phone, Address, etc.

  • Contact Form: divided into two configurations, 1 displays store information, 1 displays form submit

You need to customize the configuration for Contact form according to the following items:
  1. Section header
    1. Enter Heading, select Heading display size
    2. Enter information for Sub-heading (if any) and detailed content in Description
    3. Customize information display position in Aligment
    4. Enter title and assign link to button in button label and button link

  1. Section body:
    1. Enter title at Contact header
    2. Font color scheme: choose color for form
    3. Check or Show box shadow
    4. Enter information at Contact note

  • Section layout
    1. Color schema: choose background color and text color
    2. Click to select Section full width yes or no (if not select full width, you can customize the section size to Section max width)
    3. Click to select Content full width yes or no (if not select full width, you can customize the content size to Content max width)
    4. Customize padding distance, margin on desktop, mobile and tablet.
  • Section optimize
    1. Section lazyload - lazy loading speed (a section will only load on the page when you scroll down to that section).

    1. In the Contact form section, add blocks Email, Phone, Address. And you need to enter information for those blocks.

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