

I. Customize Azzel Theme

  1. In your store's Shopify admin, locate the area Sales channels > Online store > Current Theme

  2. Hit to Customize button

3. At this page, you can control your theme comppletely via some settings as
  1.  Theme settings to edit the global congifuration (color, font, style..)
  2. Page settings to modify your page design and content
  3. Section settings to understand how to modify the page design deeply. 

II. Language
If you want to set up multiple languages on your site, follow these steps
  1. Go to Setting - Select Language - Add Language - Select the languages you want to display

For the selected languages, you need to select publish so that the languages are displayed on the site.

III. Currency

To create more currencies on the page, you need to do the following steps
  1. Go to Setting - Market - Add Market - Select the currency you want to display

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