NO. Unlike PageFly, Zipify or many other page builders, Tapita does NOT have a page size limit. That means you are able to build as long a page as you want, without any limitations whatsoever.
This will affect all Dropdown title bars on your page. To change the background color of your Dropdown title bars, go to your Page Settings > Styles, then copy and paste the following code into the Custom CSS field: .spb-item.type_dropdown ...
The images will adjust themselves to any block so there is no need for a specific size of the images. However, too big images may cause your page to slow down, so please upload images whose width are no more than: For desktop: 1920px For tablet: ...
To change your page title, go to your Page Settings > SEO > Meta Title as the following images: Select Setting at left menu Fill the bank of Name and URL path You also scolling down to fill the SEO fields (what users can see you on the Google Search) ...