Marquee Text

Marquee Text

This section allows you to display featured titles in a sliding format, highlighting key information or promotions on your page.

General Settings:
  1. Select font display size: Choose the desired font size for the featured titles.
  2. Select number of seconds to display content on page: Set the duration (in seconds) that each title will be displayed before the slider transitions to the next one.
Section Layout:
  1. Color Scheme: Select a background color to use if no background image is displayed.
  2. Background: Choose a background image for the section (if desired).
  3. Section Full Width: Toggle this setting to make the section span the full width of the screen. If disabled, customize the size at "Section max width."
  4. Content Full Width: Toggle this setting to make the content within the section span its full width. If disabled, customize the size at "Content max width."
  5. Padding and Margin: Adjust the padding and margin for the section on mobile, desktop, and tablet screens to control spacing.
  6. Section Optimization: Lazy Load Speed: The section will only load when it is scrolled to on the page, improving initial page load times.

Adding Marquee Items: At the "Marquee Text" section, click Add Marquee Item

Configure the new item:
  1. Marquee text: Enter the text you want to display in the marquee.
  2. Link (Optional): If desired, select a URL to link this marquee item to.
  3. ​Link Target: Choose whether the link opens in a new window or the current window.

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