Tapita Meta title/description optimization Usage

Tapita Meta title/description optimization Usage

It will be assumed that you are a Tapita advanced account. Let’s roll down and read each feature in detail one by one. 

Meta title and meta description are essential elements of on-page SEO. They help search engines understand your content and influence how your pages appear in search results. Optimizing them can improve click-through rates (CTR), rankings, and overall website performance.

There are two selections in the Meta title/description optimization box: Bulk optimize and Manual optimize

From the description, you can easily see the function of each: 
  • Bulk optimize - create bulk, and your metadata will follow the same format

  • Manual optimize - optimize manually or using AI feature (take more time but better result).

  1. Bulk optimize

After clicking Bulk optimize, you can see the Meta Data Templates, which consist of meta title and meta description, which are the first things people see when they find your pages on Google.

Choosing “New template” → this feature allows you to create bulk templates for the meta title and meta description of your pages, so you don't need to go to every page and create them manually one by one.

For example, you can create a template for all of your product pages' metadata like this:

This feature can also fix "Too long" or "Too short" content length or duplicated content from SEO Audit.

  1. Manual optimize

If you want to optimize your meta title/ description one-by-one, manually or using our AI feature, you can access Manual optimize:

In Manual Optimize, you can see the Meta title/ description errors (Too long/ Too short) and fix them by yourself or use AI Generate to force-cut the meta title/description length if it is longer than the standard one. 

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