Share your account permissions with Tapita support

Share your account permissions with Tapita support

In some cases, our support team will need to get access to some of your accounts to investigate and help you fix your problems. Below are some guides on how to share your account permissions with Tapita.

Google Search Console

  1. Open your property in Search Console
  2. Open the Users and permissions page in property settings (Settings > Users and permissions). This page is visible only if you're a property owner.

  3. Click Add user
    1. Enter Tapita support email:
    2. Choose the permission level: Full
    3. Save your changes

Google Analytics

  1. In Google Analytics, click Admin
  2. Make sure you are in the correct account and property
  3. In the Property columnclick Access Management.

  1. Click +, then click Add users
  2. Enter Tapita support email:
  3. Select Notify new users by email to let us know that you've shared the permission
  4. Select the permission: Administrator
  5. Click Add

Google Tag Manager

  1. In Google Tag Manager, click Admin
  2. In the Container column, select User Management

  3. Click +
  4. Select Add new users
  5. Enter Tapita support email:
  6. Set Container Permission: Read
  7. Click Invite