Section Body:
Video Ratio: Select the video ratio.
Choose a video to display.
Video Information:
Color Scheme: Choose display colors (e.g., background, text color).
Heading: Enter the title.
Description: Enter a description.
Button Label: Enter button text.
Choose the number of columns to display on desktop, mobile, and tablet screens.
Section Layout:
Color Scheme: Select a background color if no background image is displayed.
Background: Choose a background image if available.
Section Full Width: Select or deselect (if unselected, customize size at Section max width).
Content Full Width: Choose full width for content (if not, customize at Content max width).
Adjust padding and margin on mobile, desktop, and tablet screens.
Section Optimization:
Lazy Load Speed: The section loads only when scrolling to it on the page.
To add blocks on the video, select Add Block and choose to add Information, Products, or Collections.
Customize each block as follows:
Information Block:
Color Scheme: Choose display colors for the block.
Heading: Enter the title.
Product Block:
Color Scheme: Choose display colors for the block.
Heading: Enter the title.
Select up to two products.
Collection Block:
Color Scheme: Choose display colors for the block.
Heading: Enter the title.
Choose up to four collections to display.
Image Ratio: Set the display ratio for collection images.