What is a Product Group and How to Create One

What is a Product Group and How to Create One

1. What is a Product Group?

A product group is a set of related products that are displayed together on the same product page or product card as variants. By grouping products under a single page, customers can easily browse and select from different options, such as color, size, or style, without the need to visit multiple pages. This creates a more seamless and user-friendly shopping experience, as all the variations are conveniently available in one place, reducing friction in the buying process and increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Organizing products into groups not only enhances user navigation but also ensures that customers can explore the full range of your product offerings more effectively. Instead of jumping between different product pages, they can view and compare all available options within a single page. This simplicity improves the overall shopping journey and encourages customers to spend more time on your store, ultimately leading to increased engagement and sales.

Using product groups with unique URLs can significantly improve search engine optimization (SEO). Instead of grouping variants under a single URL, you can separate each variant into individual products, each with its own unique URL and optimized keywords. This approach enhances organic search visibility and improves your store’s SEO performance. Despite separating the variants into standalone products, product groups allow them to still be displayed together on a single product page, offering a seamless user experience.

For inventory management, larger stores typically track the quantity of each variant individually rather than managing the stock of a product with multiple variants. By separating variants into individual products, inventory becomes easier to manage, as each product is tracked independently. This also simplifies marketing efforts, allowing you to promote and manage each product or group of products more effectively, with a focused approach to marketing campaigns.

2. How to Create a Product Group

From the product group management interface, click the “Create group” button.

At this point, two options will appear: manual group creation and automated group creation. In this article, we’ll cover how to create a manual group.

In the group creation interface, fill in the required details, including:

  • Group Name: A name to distinguish and easily manage the group.
  • Appearance: How the options in the group will be displayed on the storefront. There are currently four display options: Button, Pill Button, Circle Swatch, and Square Swatch.
  • Option Name: The name of the option by which the products will be grouped (e.g., color, style, etc.).
  • Product List: A list of products in the group. A product cannot belong to more than one group at the same time.
  • For swatch appearance, you can choose how options are displayed: using one color, two colors, or an image.
  • You can also arrange the order of products and preview how the group will appear on your storefront here.

Once you’ve entered all the necessary information, click “Save draft” to save your work as a draft or "Publish" to make the group live on your store. The app will then return to the group management interface. To see how the options group appears on your store, hover over a product image and click to navigate to the online store.


Display on the product page:

Displayed on the product card. When changing variants, the image, URL, title, price, and other details update dynamically:

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